Sunday, January 9, 2011

Who is to blame?

Sadly, it didn't take long after yesterday's tragic events in Arizona for people to begin to subtly or blatantly place the blame on various media outlets or political groups. By using the logic of some of the people I have seen on news opinion shows, then they themselves are inciting violence by using their podium to speak sonorous words about those they accuse of pushing the gunman Loughner over the edge.

The fact is that there are crazy, insidiously evil people in this world. Even if those people affiliate themselves with one political spectrum or another it doesn't mean they reflect that side as a whole. So far, I have heard nothing about Loughner having any particular political views. All I have seen are his nonsensical rants that obviously come from a disturbed mind. If it comes out later that he claimed he was a right wing or left wing ideologue, it will still in no way reflect the views or ideals of whichever group he might claim to follow.

My viewpoint is simple. People who had families and dreams are now dead for no reason. They died because a crazy person turned into a monster. A nine year old precious little girl who had just been elected to her student council had excitedly begun her day because she was going to talk to a Congresswoman and find out more about how government works. Her dreams of what to be when she grew up were abruptly snuffed out and her life ripped away from her with no afterthought by a callous madman. The only one to blame for that is Loughner. He has the sole responsibility for every action he took. If we could all acknowledge that fact, then we could focus more on praying for the families that have been affected and less on our superficial opinions that do absolutely no good for them. Now is the time to mourn, not debate, blame or take a political stand.

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