Monday, July 25, 2016

Waco's Mecca

The Fort Worth Star Telegram ran an article requesting tips for people making the voyage to Waco to see the Magnolia Silos. I feel my expertise is valid since I have been in the Waco area for over 18 years; therefore, I have compiled a list for all out of towners who are answering the beckoning call of Waco's Mecca.

1.) Before coming please fully consider what feels like a compulsive need to purchase a selfie stick. Do you really need it? Did you know the purchase price of a selfie stick is roughly the same amount of money most people's insurance plans require for a co-pay when visiting a doctor, which is most likely what you will need to be doing after you step out into traffic while trying to get that group shot with the Silos in the background. *sidenote- a cart selling first aid supplies might be a gold making business prospect.

2.) Sometimes you will see arrows on streets with the words "One Way." That means you can only drive that particular direction being indicated. Well, actually you can drive the opposite direction but it's highly frowned upon. But don't worry. Heading down the wrong way with people blaring their horns at you in no way "marks" you as an outsider. People who reside in Waco have been traveling down the wrong way on those streets for years.

3.) Yes, sometimes a street does suddenly switch from two way traffic to one way. Don't know what else to tell you other than good luck with that.

4.) Yes, sometimes a street does abruptly change names. No worries. Eventually the street name you were previously on will pop back up- miles away in a completely different geographical area of town.

5.) The directional layout of Valley Mills, Waco Drive, Franklin Ave and New Road is confusing at first. I think once I've made it to the 20 year resident milestone I might have that finally accurately mapped out in my head.

6.) If you find yourself lost in the general area of downtown and see a converging SWAT team, don't ask them for directions. They are not conducting a drill.

7.) When you see the downtown bicycle lanes. . . yeah. I don't know. Just don't run over people on bicycles.

8.) The Suspension Bridge is a pedestrian bridge, the Washington bridge is NOT.

9.) The geese on the East side of the Suspension bridge are all hiss an no bite. Or at least I am pretty sure about that. I always run faster than the kids when being chased by them, so I can't be positive.

10.) Go and visit all the businesses downtown. They've just had their property taxes increased exponentially. They need your money. In fact, if you don't heed my advice about shying away from the purchase of a selfie stick, wait until you are downtown to buy one or two, or three. Otherwise, in a few years if you make the pilgrimage back to the Silos you might find several more empty buildings downtown and a bit more SWAT team activity.

Welcome to Waco. We are happy you are here. We will just be much happier if you will utilize the sidewalks and cross walks and stay out of people's clearly marked reserved parking spaces. Enjoy your stay.

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