Thursday, April 21, 2011

The running adventure continues

I began the C25K program a month ago.  I should be on week four and able to jog in five minute segments.  But I just did my second round yesterday. Yep, a month later and I started day 2 which means I can jog for 60 second bursts. (more or less)  Yes, I'm a slacker and I will eventually get over the disappointment in myself. . . and now I'm over it.

Yesterday went pretty well.  Unlike the last time the voice on my phone never sounded snarky when it directed me to either run or walk.  I think I showed it who's boss by not using it for a month.  Also unlike the run last month, I am back on the Cadbury Eggs and I told myself I could have one if I completed three miles. That might be why the venture went better yesterday.  I knew there was a Cadbury Egg waiting for me back at home. Don't judge me.

I ran aimlessly for what I felt was surely more than 3 miles.  I was back at my house long before the bell sounded for a cool down. It was torture to keep going when I was so close to home where in my secret hiding place I would find a Cadbury egg.  But I did continue.  I walked/jogged to the end of the street and back again and again until the cool down bell sounded.  Then I plopped down in my front yard and looked at the mileage I had covered. Are we sure this whole GPS thing is accurate? Has it really been tested? I was disappointed that I had covered only two miles, but it was a fleeting feeling because does the mileage really matter? It is more important that I tried and who cares about giving or taking a mile or two- I was still worthy of the chocolate reward. The chocolate egg was so close, but I knew I had to turn my frantic gasps for breaths into regular breathing before I could truly enjoy the creamy milk chocolate melting in my mouth. So I sat in the shade of my front yard until I worried that my muscles would lock up and I wouldn't be able to get up.

Once I was breathing normally again I headed for back door. For reasons that are still unclear, I found myself locked out of the house.  My chocolate reward had to wait until I had found an unlocked window, heaved it open as far as I could with exhausted jelly like arms and crawled through. If any of my neighbors saw me, it wasn't a pretty sight. The upper half of my body cleared the width of the open window easily but as I was in a weird belly sprawl position halfway through it became obvious that my lower half was a few inches too wide for the window gap. There was no energy left to go backwards out of the window and open it wider. I sat in that A type position for a few stunned seconds and realized I had to push through and find whatever hidden strength I had left.  I somehow managed to use my legs which also felt like jelly after the workout to heave my lower body up in an inch worm type move and wedge myself in the window jam. Then using that last reserve of adrenaline that is the highlight of every story about people in desperate situations I converged my body in a upwards motion until the window gave and shot open wider so unexpectedly that I tumbled inside head first.  I'm not sure how long I laid on the floor with my left leg pinned against the wall bent back in an angle over my head in a temporary binding sling that had been created when I got tangled up in the curtain in my frantic scramble as I fell down.  But a locked door wasn't going to keep me from the sustenance that my body needed to have replenished and neither was a curtain. Victory was mine in the end. I am the master of my own fate, the guide of my own path, and conqueror of curtains! Fear me if you stand in my way of a Cadbury egg! I will succeed!

Running really is a good boost for one's self-image.

1 comment:

  1. lol! I wonder..are the Cadbury worthy enough for jelly legs?
