Thursday, February 24, 2011

Behold, my creation!

I have a friend who has challenged herself to create something everyday and then blog about it. So, I am following her example for one day only and for one thing. I guess it could be two things if I count sewing some loose buttons back onto Abigail's sweater. That could count as creating something because she couldn't wear it, but then she could, so it's almost like I created a sweater. Yes, two things.

So here is my second thing:

I suppose one could say that taking five pre-made cedar panels out of a box, reading instructions and putting them together is not actually creating anything. But it took me an hour, so I overrule that sentiment and say I did make it.

I see the irony in the fact that I struggled to make my box since I have a dad who can piddle around with wood and make just about anything. I've seen him make snowflakes and a shed. One Christmas when I was a teenager he surprised me with a hope chest that he crafted. He even added a living room addition to our house while growing up. And on my mom's side of the family I have an uncle that creates cabinetry work and for fun works at Lowes so he can share his knowledge with others. My brother can take an old, neglected piece of wood and turn it into a birdhouse, chair, table or bench, but I didn't get even a shred of that gene.

An hour after looking at instructions, scattering screws all over the living room when I opened the bag they were in and nearly drilling a divot into our wood floor with a power drill that I had no business touching; I completed my box. Yes, I admit the irony, but I fail to see the hilarity in it that Abigail observed. I'm no Biblical scholar, but I am fairly certain that when God said, "Honor your Father and Mother" it meant don't laugh yourself silly watching your mom try to put together a pre-made cedar box. I tried explaining that to her, but it was a little hard to sound stern as I was lying on my stomach with most of my face squished against our heavy T.V.cabinet as I reached under it trying to retrieve the scattered screws.


  1. I adore your creation, and I applaud your efforts. And the added pleasure of picturing Abigail laughing at you is just a bonus.=)

  2. I knew you would appreciate it even though it is nowhere near as creative as your daily things have been. My personal favorite so far of yours has been the recycled crayons because it's something I know Abigail and I can do without too much trouble. But the rest of them are really grand, too.
