Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Country Cuteness

Somebody posted on facebook that her dog was having puppies. I talked to her cute, little daughter for a short bit this morning and she excitedly told me that the mommy made and gave her puppies milk when they were hungry. That triggered a memory, so I'm fixin' to tell y'all all about it.

A few years ago when Jason's second cousin was around 3, we took her with us to Sam's. Hannah was a spit-fire little girl who is now a smart, beautiful spit-fire teen. When she was little she had long blond curls, a cherub like face and to look at her made you think she was oozing in sweet girly girlishness. She would sit and listen to you speak to her while she blinked her eyes causing her long eyelashes to nearly sweep the top of her cheeks. And then she would speak. Hearing her words would cause a brief moment of surrealism. When she spoke her voice wasn't the twinkling child-like sound you expected by looking at her. Her voice was deep, and she had the thickest most countriest slow, drawn out Texan drawl you could possibly imagine.

So there we were in Sam's not looking at anything in particular. We were just roaming around with her in the front of the basket causing people in the busy Saturday crowd to look at her and smile at her cuteness. We took a turn and ended up on the dog food aisle. Hannah reached out and touched a bag of puppy chow and explained to me in her deep, loud drawl, "My dawg just delivered a litter of lil' pups. They cain't be a eatin' solid food like this, though." By now everyone was looking at her in amused surprise at her non-cherub like (but still cuter than calf snot) voice and listening to see if she would say more. After a brief pause for dramatic affect, she noticed her audience and added more loudly so everyone could hear her explain, "They're all still suckin' the teat."

I'm not sure if anyone laughed because I was concentrating too hard on holding in my own laughter.

I told the mom of one of Hannah's little friends about it a few weeks later. She smiled and told me that the first time Hannah came over to play she stayed quiet for a long time so they thought she must have been really shy. After a long moment of silence their family cat came out of hiding and approached Hannah. She reached out to pet the cat and in her unique voice told them all, "Did y'all know that cats bury their own mess. So if you see 'em scratchin' in the dirt, don't go a diggin' to see what they done."


  1. Haaaahahahahahaaaa! That's great! Calf Snot!!

  2. I'm so glad you get it! Not many people can see the cuteness in a calf licking his snotty nose.
