Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Chronicles Continue

I'm supposed to go another round of my C25K training run again today. And I would if it wasn't for the shooting pains I have in every inch of my leg muscles with every step I take. Even my stomach muscles hurt. My lips hurt too because when I opened my car door earlier this morning it smacked me in my face. I tried dodging out of its way but my leg muscles stood firm and refused to move quickly enough.

Jason told me in his very compassionate way that I needed to learn that I couldn't just start running one day. I needed to work into it. I told him I've always been able to do it before without having this much muscle pain. He kindly pointed out that I was older than I've ever been before. How badly I wanted to kick him, but again my muscles refused to move. They wouldn't even let me bend to pick up the rock that was beside my foot. But even if they had bent and I was able to grasp the rock and fire it at the back of his head I would have had to ask him to rub Ben-Gay on my shoulder too.

I refuse to prove Jason right by giving up and accepting the hurting muscles as a sign of getting older. I will push through the soreness and run again. Tomorrow, or the next day or maybe the day after that looks a little better.

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