Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Me From the Future in a Geo Metro

I'm fairly certain that this morning I met myself who had traveled back in time from my future.

I was in a hurry and running late in getting Abigail to school. I came to a four way stop and encountered a little old lady in a red Geo Metro, which by the way was in excellent condition. It was the style that reminds me of the old Gremlins. We came to the stop sign at the exact moment. She to my left with her left blinker on and me going to go straight. I wasn't in a generous mood since I was pressed for time so I was going to take my right-of-way and go. Her car lurched forward and zipped in front of me before I could lift my foot off the brake and there she was zooming in front of me. I guess her adrenaline rush from beating me to the punch wore off because before I knew it I was up on her bumper. She was going a little above the 30mph speed limit so I quickly realized I was going too fast and slowed down to give her space.

She must have seen me in her rear view mirror before I admitted my error by making a gap between us. She took a page right out of my book and immediately began driving right at the speed limit. Before I could compensate I must have breached her territory again because she then dropped to 15mph.

So, there I was. Two car lengths behind her, getting a good look at the back of her head (which was barely peeking over the dashboard) through the back glass of her Geo biding my time until I could get around her. About the time I was thinking I was going to be stuck behind her for a good chunk of unforeseeable future I saw her left blinker flashing. Then three blocks later after I determined she must have never turned off her blinker at the four way stop so long ago, she suddenly veered left. I felt the weight of being penned lift. I sped up and was doing well recovering my time until I came to a red light at an intersection. I was first in line at the light so I had a very good view of a well kempt red Geo Metro in a shape reminiscent of the old Gremlins coming across the intersection making a left turn putting it right in front of my path I would take as soon as my light turned green.

Again, a page right out of my book was played because she looked me right in the eye and grinned. Touche'. Well played. I bow to you Mrs. Gremlin Lady.

And if you are me from the future traveling to the past, show me that shortcut before you go back. Oh, and go back a few months farther to sew up the hole in my coat pocket before I lost Jason's spare keys so I won't have to sit through that lecture again. It should be fine to tweak that a little because I would think having to say a few less, "Yes, Dears. You are right" won't alter the future and mess up the world's dynamics that much.

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